

Ascended is a collection of 8,888 unique randomly generated explorers who seek the strange, enigmatic power of the Masks. Join them as the venture into the surreal and supernatural world of Inmanis in search of them!

The world of Inmanis is vast and barren. Total population is unknown but thought to be sparse. It’s denizens gather in high number in places called Oasis. These safe havens are separated from one another by measureless distance. In fact, the world between these Oasis has been left well alone, and as a result is shrouded in obscurity. The fearless and the foolhardy are known to set off in an attempt to plot out and tame these wild lands. These expeditions range from weeks to years and some…some have yet to return at all. Curiously it seems after comparing notes on the various expeditions that these boundless regions are not constant. Every explorers tales vary incredibly from the last. Inmanis appears to be unyielding, everchanging and unrelenting.

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