Ghost Lab

Ghost Lab

A huge explosion destroyed the Lab, killing all the Scientists & creating Ghosts in the process. Our Ghosts are super cute and as with any other NFT you should come for the ART first We have a super funny story / ride for the project! What caused the LAB explosion? Was it an accident? Are all the scientists really dead? So many questions

Ghost Lab holders earn 10 $PLASMA per day just for holding their Ghosts and you can also get 1000 $PLASMA for each MINT that is a huge bonus! We’ve built a “SHOP” in our website where each week we will put NFTs from other projects, WL Spots for upcoming NFT projects, merch and other things that you can get with your $PLASMA We’ll use 50 ETH from the MINT funds to acquire some NFTs from great projects and raffle them to those who MINT Ghost Lab A MAYC, a Moon Bird, some World of Women, Yuga Lands? You can vote on our discord

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