Orcish Raiders

Orcish Raiders

Thousands of years ago, a strange slime bubbled up from deep within the earth. With that disgusting slime came a new breed of warriors, never before seen by any man. They were created by the darkest magic imaginable to serve only one purpose, destroy. These foul creatures called themselves, Orcish Raiders. They trained deep within their swamps, striving to learn how to dominate and conquer any kingdom they came across. In the meantime they also spent time training the swamps native creatures for battle, these creatures were called wassies. They were terrible nasty little things, perfect battle creatures to match the Orcs. The Orcs lived without a hierarchy, all men and women were trained to be the ultimate warriors. They had no need for luxuries; they had no need to live a quaint or quiet life. They only sought to destroy and conquer wherever they went.

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