Each NFT can be customized. Any of its accessories can be replaced, removed or added
Each NFT can be customized. Any of its accessories can be replaced, removed or added
Panda Peak, the next big thing in the blockchain space, is 1,999 unique nfts that describe the bravery in the panda´s heart. I thank you for being part of us and i congratulate you for make this nft revolution a reality. other people laugh today, but tomorrow you will laughs while they cry.
We are a new team who is working for créate a great community of passionate people from blockchain revolution. we are working really hard to créate value and quality for all the community. Focused on develop better assets and reward to our holders. Person in charge of creating the art concept of our collection is a passionate artist who projects art in unique pieces. Person in charge of marketing and bussines model is developing elemental concepts of bussines and economy for this collection succes.
Connecting NFT creators and collectors