

wE at Primomartians bEliEvE insharing with thnE community, and ging daCk. mEmbErs OFtHE community wno mint 3 Primomartlans or more will DE EnitiEO FOr REVENUE-sharing Utlity ontnE nEXt upcoming projECt, PrimOPEtS! more inFormation will DE annauncEd in tne FUCUre.

wE at thE Primomartians bElieve in paying it Forwaro, its our nighEst priority. Primomartans uwil Oonate1096 OF all nFT salES rEVENUE towaros animal shElterS. FUturE PrimoPEt projECt will bE DasEO on tHE animals tnat will DE rESCUEO. PrimoPEtS Will lvE on mars togetnEr witn your uniquE Primomartian!

WE at Primomartians lovE tHE IdED oF “ThE more tnE mErrier” Ouwners ofF twO NETS From tnE Primomartians projEct, Uill rEcEVE a sro nFT, PrimoPEU minting date TBA


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