Demon Party

Demon Party

Demon Party is a female-led “art first” NFT project, founded by Kaila Gee. Their co-founder, Endurance, is an Emmy-nominated TV producer working in Los Angeles. Our primary goal is revolutionizing storytelling using NFTs and the blockchain. We plan to achieve this in two ways: on-chain and off-chain. On-Chain – Trait Swap Storytelling is all about creating memorable moments, events, and feelings for the protagonist of the story. As a holder of Demon Party, you are the protagonist of your own on-chain journey as an NFT collector. Our big post-mint initiative is a trait swap utility which we are calling “Conspire.” Conspire will allow demons to exchange traits (sort of like playing the game “Go Fish”) with other holders. Swapping traits will use a scarcity mechanic that will not dilute rarity. This community powered customization will meaningfully change your demon. And change is the most important aspect of any story. This utility is especially relevant because of our seasonal release model. Demons will be able to swap traits across seasons, meaning you can customize your demon from an ever growing set of traits ‍ Off-Chain – Art & Words Off-chain, we are developing a fantasy-inspired lore that will eventually be turned into graphic novels and animations. Demon Party has already partnered with a Los Angeles based animation director who works at Titmouse Studios (Venture Brothers, Big Mouth).

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