Gatsby Club

Gatsby Club

Mint Date : 8 January 2022

The Gatsby Club Project, what is it about ?

We offer the possibility to own prestigious NFT’s, totally out of reach for the majority, at a (very) discounted price. Bored Apes Yacht Club, Mutant Apes, Doodles, Cyberkongz, Solana Monkey Business, Solpunks, etc…,  NFT’s can come from any blockchain/market, the community decides !

Sounds magic, how is it possible ? ????  

With the Goldenpass NFT. Once minted, we will use the income to buy prestigious NFT’s. Next to that, we will generate a token : a GCC token. This token will be airdropped to Golden members (goldenpass holders) on a daily basis and will allow them to get passive incomes + the possibility to acquire back the prestigious NFT upon time !

– Whitelist for first 100 members. Token airdrop advantages. Only a few spots remaining

– The team isn’t taking a single $ from the pre-sale ! All reversed to the community !

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