Hoodiglian Crew

Hoodiglian Crew

Da Hoodie Crew is a community driven NFT collection built to suit the current market taste, with a well experienced team with web 3 advisors and mostly a talented artist, When it comes to the METAVERSE,NFT,WEB 3,and so on, everybody wants to make money of it, and well is good to know that is your goal and that is our goal also. most nft project fail because the creator gave too much whitelist spot making it look common and cheap and loose value and 0% royalties ( 0% royalties already means it is going to be abadoned after mint because they would not earn anything from the project after mint) and later the team that created the project will be no where to be seen after pre sale and all this are the things that are making the NFT market to fall way more than expected.

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