Modern Kids Society

Modern Kids Society

From the NFT collection to metaverse avatars to real-world items and cartoons available to children worldwide. We want to introduce the metaverse to the world and show its advantages. We plan to allocate NFTs avatars into cartoons, comics and manufacture real-life items such as toys or edibles. Imagine watching your favorite NFT character in our cartoon, imagine millions of children watching your NFT character, wanting a shirt or a toy, playing a game, or even eating candy featuring Modern Kids character. Modern Kids has a purpose beyond solely being a crypto-related project which is to introduce to the world other NFT projects, other avatars, and the whole metaverse as well. Modern Kids will become a world-recognized company. Our goal is to reach millions of children all around the world. We want kids to learn and be entertained. We will put the main focus on creating entertaining cartoons and games. If your kids are spending time watching inappropriate cartoons, it’s time to show them Modern Kids and teach them about the internet or how robots are built. To become a successful company targeting children, we will manufacture a variety of toys such as comics, figures, dolls, games, and anything you can think of. Every kid likes candy! Didn’t you when you were younger? We will start manufacturing many different sweets and drinks while collaborating with the biggest companies around the world.

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