Panda Jewels

Panda Jewels

This was year 2160… ​ …A few scientists were on a mission to dig deeper into the earth’s darkest spaces found around Indian Ocean coastline with their AI operated equipment running 24×7. They were addressed by the rulers of the humanity, Quantum AI Alpha, to collect the traces of ancient animals called ‘Panda’ which went extinct very long ago. After a long time of efforts and dedication, they finally found it. According to Quantum AI Alpha, Pandas were the only creature that can give them the leap into their experiment to inject natural happiness into the next version of humans that they were breeding into their chemical labs. A very dogmatic shift of AI driven evolution into the humankind, have left humans into a very robotic-like state of existence where they’re getting far from the basic essence of the nature, the oceans, the mountains, birds and animals. All the AI’s challenges and choices in its quest for a great future of humanity, intelligence and consciousness- on far Milky Way was depended on Panda’s potential natural traces, which means their DNA. We’re gathered out of the desire to create a long lasting breed of new humans who can establish the previous culture of 2020s and remove the boundaries of nature. And we’re going to do that by injecting Panda’s DNA into humans, by crystallization process at subzero temperature. These fractions will form into a diamond shaped PANDAs. To preserve them for generations, Quantum AI Alpha has decided to allocate these fragments to a very few humans who are chosen to bring back the original essence of the previous humans.

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