Sleepy Koala Club

Sleepy Koala Club

The Sleepy Koala Club is the first self-sufficient charitable organization of its kind. Through NFT projects, we are aiming to become the only charitable organization not relying on donors to give back and make a real difference. To do so, 10% of the primary sales will be donated Team Trees which will be directly used to save the trees. Another 25% of the primary sales will go to our Community Wallet and DAO, which will be used to fund the communities various endeavours. It’s also worth noting that ALL royalties from secondary sales will be reinvested in our project through the community wallet and DAO. Being an SKC NFT holder will allow you to become a voting member of the SKC DAO and of the Community Wallet. In turn, the DAO will make regular contributions to various charities of the community’s choosing whilst being financed by the Community Wallet’s crypto holdings which will also be managed by the community. The beauty of it is, no single person will ever be responsible for the DAO’s or the Community Wallet’s funds as every decision regarding their management will be put to a vote. All these ideas are further discussed in the whitepaper written by our co-founders.

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