The Chads CLub

The Chads CLub

We are a community of degens unified through jpegs on the ethereum blockchain. Owning a Chad will give you access to the private Chads Club. In the club you will make new
Friends, Form new connections, and most importantly, always be on top of the latest ALPHA. Don’t believe me? Go search #ChadsAlpha on Twitter for our testimonies. The Chads Club is a unification of DeFi and NFTs. Our community provides safe and transparent access to promising DeFi and NFT projects. We help newcomers understand the space and keep each other safe from getting rekt. We are also part of the strategically Formed De build an innovate in the DeFi space. We will relay all the info gathered from the alliance to all Chad holders. This way Chads can stay on top of the DeFi space. The Chads Club continuously partners with DeFi tokens to try and provide more value to our holders. You can view our partners here. Alliance. The alliance consists of multiple top 10 Faas projects and of course The Chads Club.

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